Preschool Graduation

Charlie graduated from preschool today:

It was a pretty fancy event; at least a hundred parents and grandparents attended the ‘ceremony’, which consisted of a couple of musical performances by each class, then diplomas being awarded to each graduate:

Charlie’s class sang one song, and performed ‘5 Green and Speckled Frogs’ on their instruments.  You can check out the mayhem in this video (listen for the twins’ shrieks in the background):

Unluckily for us, the ceremony started at 1pm, which is also the boys’ typical naptime.  I fed them a picnic lunch in the park before we went, but they were not impressed with having to delay their nap (although they did clap nicely along with the rest of the audience).  When they got too restless and miserable, I brought them over to the preschool’s indoor playground, which was a big hit.  See if you can spot Eli and William:

To make our day even more exciting, we had just arrived home from Charlie’s graduation when the phone rang; it was our friends Leah and Ondrej, who are driving from Halifax to Ontario to their new house in Guelph.  Their kids are almost the same age as ours (Luka is 6 months younger than Charlie, and Malin is exactly 3 months younger than our twins), and the two girls immediately rekindled their friendship over dress-up clothes in Charlie’s disaster of a bedroom (that’s Malin in the blue shirt):

Now it’s 4pm, the boys are still sleeping, Charlie is having ‘quiet time’ in her room, and I am taking a moment to relax.  My husband is in Halifax today at a conference, and we won’t see him again until we arrive in London, England on Saturday morning.  My mum arrives at dinner time today, which is a huge relief – it’s a lot of work parenting solo, even just for one day!