Post-practice Popsicles

Popsicles for our soccer players!
Elijah and William are playing for the Thunders this year, with Eric coaching the team.
They played their first game last night in the pouring rain. They lost 6-0 but had a great time anyway. Highlights involved much splashing through mud puddles, as you can imagine!
This photo’s from Monday’s practice; that’s Elijah in the orange pinny and William brandishing the Popsicle.


Black and white cookies

Eric was away running the Ottawa Marathon this weekend (finished in 3:52! Woo!), while the kiddos stayed at home with me in a very rainy Montreal. We spent a cold, damp hour outdoors on Saturday, then gave up and made cookies instead.
Behold: the kids’ creations in vanilla and chocolate cookie dough!





Elijah on top of the world!

Elijah on top of the world!

We spent a few hours at the park on the Lachine peninsula this afternoon, soaking up the spring sunshine and letting the kids climb all over the various stone sculptures. Eli’s still our most fearless climber, as you can see by his pose in this picture!